Embryo freezing is a method of cryopreservation of embryos and storage in special Dewar vessels for an indefinite time in liquid nitrogen at -196° C.

Embryo cryopreservation is used when several of high-quality embryos are available that have not been transferred to the uterus within a specific cycle. In the case of the ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome or inappropriate transfer conditions (e.g. inflammation or other acute disease of the female patient, low uterine mucosa, etc.), all of the embryos shall be frozen. Notwithstanding the standardization of procedures, not all of the embryos will survive the freezing and thawing process in such a condition that they can be transferred after thawing.

By this method, it is possible to store reproductive cells for several years. Thanks to the introduction of the so-called ultra-fast freezing method – nitrification (glazing) freezing without forming ice crystals, the success rate of the transfer of frozen embryos is at the level of the transfer of fresh embryos. Nitrification is a modern cryopreservation technique where the reproductive cells are jump-wise cooled down to -196° C within a few seconds. The media containing high doses of cryoprotectants protecting the cells from damage are used. Nitrification is a technique in a closed system utilizing an inner carrier and an outer shell. In fact, embryos are instantly frozen.

Cryopreservation of sperms

Sperm freezing is a method of cryopreservation of the sperms and their storage in special Dewar vessels for an indefinite time in liquid nitrogen at -196° C.

The media containing high doses of cryoprotectants protecting the cells from damage are used. The method is suitable for sperm freezing in the native ejaculate, but also of the sperms obtained from the epididymis by surgical procedure by employing the MESA or the TESE methods.


– in case of an impaired spermiogram. If severe spermiogram deviations from the standard are recognized, then these are generally progressive conditions where the sperm count and quality are rapidly deteriorating. It is good to freeze several doses of the sperms before a critical drop in parameters occurs;

– in an early diagnosis of cancer. At the time you start the treatment, you can have your sperm frozen and so get an “insurance policy” in case anticancer treatment (chemotherapy, radiotherapy) results in the destruction of the germinal epithelium of the testes, which is, regretfully, highly likely to occur in such cases;

– when planning parenting. If you want to have your own offspring in the future, but keep your parenting up, have your ejaculate frozen;

– at the patient’s own request. More and more often, men want to have their sperms frozen as just a preventive measure, in case there is a problem at any time in life, an accident, a serious illness from which one can be healed, but which can leave permanent consequences in the form of male infertility.