Health insurance companies reimburse the performances of assisted reproduction (the IVF-ET method) in accordance with the rules as laid down by Law Act No. 577/2004 Coll. on a range of health care under the public health insurance and on the remuneration of services related to the provision of health care as amended by subsequent regulations.

According to the Government Regulation No. 777/2004 Coll. (within the meaning of Section 3 (8) of Law Act No. 577/2004 Coll. issuing the List of Diseases), on the basis of public health insurance up to three cycles of performances of assisted reproduction shall be reimbursed to women until the age of 39 years of life, when it comes to the following causes of infertility (Annex No 2. part V of the Government Regulation No. 777/2004 Coll.):
  1. Missing oviducts or irreversible damage to the oviducts diagnosed laparoscopically or laparotomically, except for the conditions, which incurred as a result of previous sterilization or artificial abortion.

  2. Endometriosis of the woman, which is diagnosed laparoscopically or laparotomically.

  3. Irreversible damage to the ovaries that is confirmed biochemically, laparoscopically or laparotomically, if this damage is not a result of artificial abortion.

  4. Idiopathic sterility, which has been unsuccessfully treated in a specialized medical facility for one year.

  5. Male factor of sterility – azoospermia, astenospermia, ejaculation dysfunctions and diseases related to chemotherapy or after the injury conditions that are certified by an andrologist.

  6. Immunological causes of sterility that are verfiied by a laboratory.

  7. The risk of hereditary disease in effect of which the spouses may not have healthy offspring that is verified by a genetician.

  8. Endocrine causes of sterility verified by an endocrinologist.


In the cases not listed above, the costs of the performances of assisted reproduction on the basis of public health insurance are not covered (100% co-payment of the insured, Annex No. 1 to the Government of the Slovak Republic Regulation No. 777/2004 Coll.)
